Sweet potato cream dip with soy sauce
Step 1
Wash the sweet potato, cut it into approx. 1.5 cm thick slices and place them next to each other on a plate. Cover with cling film and cook in the microwave at 600 watts for about 3-4 minutes.
Step 2
Take out the plate, cover the sweet potato with cling film and let it cool down for a short time, peel it and cut it into rough cubes.
Step 3
Boil up white wine, mineral water and brown sugar in a small pot. When the sugar is dissolved, add the soy sauce and let it cool down.
Step 4
Put the sweet potato cubes, the cooked seasoning mixture, cayenne pepper and sesame oil in a blender and puree.
Step 5
Shortly before serving, first pour the sour cream (or whipped cream) into a small bowl or glass, then add the sweet potato dip and serve.
The sweet potato cream dip goes very well e.g:
Tortilla chips, Grissini, Crackers, Toast bread cut into stripes/sticks
Recipe-ID: 138
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