Mini salmon steaks with Ponzu
Step 1
Cut salmon into one even block just like for sashimi. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt. Slice garlic cloves and fry until crispy. Grate white radish and mix with Kikkoman Ponzu Citrus Soy Sauce.
Step 2
Preheat olive oil on the frying pan on a high heat and fry salmon on each side (to sear only surface).
Step 3
Remove the fish from frying pan and leave for a short while to cool down. Cut into slices of chosen thickness and spread on plate. Garnish with garlic crisps, sprinkle with chili and serve with Kikkoman Ponzu Lemon with white radish for dipping.
Our Japas are designed as Japanese style tapas. Just double the amount of each ingredient and you can serve the fingerfood as a main course.
Recipe-ID: 321
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