Kikkoman-style spring rolls with breast of chicken

Total time 30 mins
30 mins preparation time


4 portion(s)
chicken breast fillets
2 tbsp
2 tbsp
walnut oil
red pepper
yellow pepper
green pepper
100 g
white cabbage
50 g
bean sprouts
2 tbsp
sesame oil
freshly ground pepper
squares of spring roll pastry (available from Asia stores and supermarkets)
egg yolk
fat to grease the baking tray


Nutritional facts (per portion): 1661 kJ  /  396 kcal


Step 1

Halve the filleted chicken breasts and brush with a marinade made from soy sauce, sherry and walnut oil. Prepare the vegetables by cutting the paprika and white cabbage into strips. Fry the chicken breast fillets in hot oil and keep warm. Sauté the vegetables in the remaining frying fat, season with salt and pepper and place aside to cool. Place the pastry squares next to each other, put a chicken breast fillet on top of each one and cover with vegetables. First place the bottom end of the pastry over the filling, then the right and left sides and finally, brush the edges with egg yolk. Roll up and fry until golden in the hot fat.

Step 2

Serve with sushi & sashimi soy sauce as a dip.

Recipe-ID: 3

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Halve the filleted chicken breasts and brush with a marinade made from soy sauce, sherry and walnut oil. Prepare the vegetables by cutting the paprika and white cabbage into strips. Fry the chicken breast fillets in hot oil and keep warm. Sauté the vegetables in the remaining frying fat, season with salt and pepper and place aside to cool. Place the pastry squares next to each other, put a chicken breast fillet on top of each one and cover with vegetables. First place the bottom end of the pastry over the filling, then the right and left sides and finally, brush the edges with egg yolk. Roll up and fry until golden in the hot fat.

Serve with sushi & sashimi soy sauce as a dip.

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