Step 1
Heat the oil in a large casserole dish or other flameproof pan.
Step 2
Add the chicken and fry until brown on both sides. Remove from pan and set aside.
Step 3
Now add the onion to the pan and soften over the heat for 2-3mins, before adding the garlic, celery and peppers. Stir well and cook for 3-4mins then return the chicken to the pan.
Step 4
Add the chilli powder and the ginger and stir well to coat everything.
Step 5
Next add the rice and pour in the stock, soy sauce and canned tomatoes and thyme. Stir well to combine.
Step 6
Scatter the prawns on top, the cover and leave to cook for 20-25mins or until the rice is cooked. Check it half way through cooking and add more liquid if needed.
Step 7
A creole dish from Louisiana, with rice, chicken and vegetables. It makes an easy one pot dinner for the family or relaxed entertaining, when everyone can dig in.
Recipe-ID: 313
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