Hotategai Shichimi-Shoyu yaki – Grilled Scallops with Shichimi or Chili Soy Sauce
Step 1
Cut the spring onions into fine rings and place them in a sieve. Rinse under running water and drain well. Wash and drain the spinach.
Step 2
Heat up the oil in a pan and fry the spinach at high heat. Add the butter and season everything with pepper. Combine the naturally brewed soy sauce and powdered shichimi in a bowl and stir until smooth. Then heat up a non-stick coated pan and fry the scallops on both sides without fat until they are cooked half way through. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool slightly. Pour over the shichimi-soy sauce mixture and swivel the pan to mix everything together.
Step 3
Finally, arrange the spinach and scallops on a plate and pour the shichimi-soy sauce over them. Garnish with spring onions and chilli threads.
Recipe-ID: 102
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