Fresh Spring Rolls with Teriyaki Aubergine
For the teriyaki aubergine:
For the filling:
For the sauce:
Step 1
To make the teriyaki aubergine trim, wash and dice the aubergine (approx. 1 x 1 cm). Heat up the vegetable oil to a high temperature in the pan and fry the aubergine on all sides. Remove the aubergine, reduce the heat and add the Teriyaki Marinade, syrup and sesame oil to the pan. Bring to the boil, return the aubergine to the pan and cook for 3-4 minutes. Keep spooning the cooking liquid over the aubergine during the cooking process.
Step 2
To make the filling halve the pepper and remove the core, pith and seeds. Top and tail the carrot and cucumber. Peel the carrot and wash the cucumber. Cut the vegetables into very fine strips. Pluck the salad and mint leaves, wash them and spin dry.
Step 3
Dip the rice paper briefly into warm water and place it on a damp cloth. Place 1 salad leaf, rice noodles, teriyaki aubergine, vegetable strips and mint on each piece of rice paper, carefully roll it up and cut it in half.
Step 4
To make the sauce peel and crush the garlic, then combine with the Teriyaki Marinade, sesame seeds, lime juice syrup and spring onions. Serve the fresh spring rolls with the sauce.
Recipe-ID: 143
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