Crispy Cod Banh Mi sandwich
Total time20 mins
France meets Vietnam!
The spicy-fresh fusion with lots of vegetables, herbs and crunchy tempura fish gets a special flavour boost from nutty Kikkoman Sesame Sauce.
Banh Mi: Cut the cod into medium sized cubes.
Batter: Mix tempura flour with water and turmeric until smooth and pull the cod cubes through the batter. Then roll in sesame seeds and deep-fry until golden brown.
Salad: Cut carrots and cucumber into julienne, finely chop coriander. Mix rice vinegar with honey, add vegetables and marinate for 5 minutes. Wash the lettuce.
To serve: Cut baguettes in half, but not all the way through. Spread insides with Kikkoman Sesame Sauce and arrange salad, drained vegetables and crispy fish on top
Recipe-ID: F1010
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